The Mudita Foundation

We believe that all South Africans, including children and teenagers, should have access to sound substance abuse programs, which is why we offer our services to at-risk children at their schools. Since opening our doors in 2010, all of our children have received these services free of charge.

Prevention and Awareness

Proper education about substance abuse is an important preventative measure for children and teens. It helps kids develop a better sense of substance awareness. Without proper educational measures the harmful effects of drugs, kids may develop increased risks for becoming curious about drugs, falling prey to peer pressure, and try drugs themselves… so armed with resources, and ready to listen, our therapists visit hundreds of kids at their schools every year!

Education and Training

School teachers often act as the front line to prevent and help treat substance abuse among learners. It is important that our teachers are well educated in substance abuse prevention and proper referral. The Mudita Foundation offers workshops to teachers to learn how to prevent and recognise substance abuse as well as encourage learners to talk about substances and seek help from trusted adults.

Early Intervention and Referral

Early interventions are particularly effective for people who do not have a long-term history of heavy substance use, which is why it is so important to offer these programs to our youth! An early intervention involves making the most of any opportunity to raise awareness, share knowledge and get a young person thinking about making changes to improve their health and behaviours. The Mudita Foundation is active every day in schools, helping to empower learners to take charge of their health and their futures.

Treatment and Aftercare

Teens addicted to drugs or alcohol struggle with an adult issue, but their psychological and emotional needs differ from an adult’s. The Mudita Foundation, in recognising this need, provides special care to all our children and teenagers undergoing outpatient treatment.

The Mudita Foundation

26 Quantum Street, Carpe Diem Building, Unit D04, Technopark, Stellenbosch, 7600